BUY LOCAL: This book is available in central Ohio at these locations:
Ohio History Connection
Reader's Garden in Granville
The Licking Co. Historical Society
Flint Ridge State Park Museum
Kix Mix Bookstore in Newark
Licking Valley Heritage Society
Great Circle Museum in Heath
Paragraphs Bookstore in Mt. Vernon

Black Hand Gorge is a spectacular scenic area nestled among the hills of Licking County, Ohio. When early explorers first wandered into the gorge they were startled to discover a large hand carved on one of the towering sandstone cliffs. This mysterious ancient hand gave the gorge its name.
The Ohio & Erie Canal, the railroad and electric interurban railway all blasted their way through the gorge. These repeated assults left deep scars. But with time the scars have taken on the soft patina of age, giving them the look of ancient ruins. That's part of the allure of the gorge. You can see history here…and you can feel it. A walk through Black Hand Gorge is like a journey through time.
The full color, softcover book is 8" x 10" with 110 pages and more than 300 maps, photos and illustrations.